Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My First Blog

Congragulations .... You are reading my first Blog.. and when i became a Pulitzer winner(that would be the day after Pigs fly) you can tell proudly that you read it first!!
Oops sorry ... Bad Joke.. what to do whenever i get excited,sad,angry,nervous i make statements under the facade of jokes...
I start with wondering what am i doing here!! Well for one i love to talk... ask those 100 odd people who are in surgery for their ear drums...after listening to me.And now due to distances i am not able to get access to the remaining friends of mine whose ear drums are still intact..
But fear not no one is going to miss out on my non stop nonsense!!
And if you ares till reading this Blog ..WOW are you that jobless.
Anyways a little about me having been in the IT industry with almost 2 lakh people for almost 2 years i have decided to jump in the higher studies bandwagon and i am soon going to be in a position to call up dad and start begging for money(Ahh!! Nostalgia remembering the days in my UG when my dad used to cringe on hearing my "Daddy" he knew that my next application for funs would soon be submitted)Anyways this is my way of keeping in touch with all my friends.
Considering that a number of them are already in US or getting married frequent meetings might be a problem.
Hey and another blog which i read and enjoyed thoroughly (and which finally inspired me to take a pen or keyboard)
This guy has a ROCKING sense of humour.


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