To Bhalu!
Have you ever had a happy secret to yourself.Well if it wasnt for the fact that i am already smiling pretty much 24 X 7 i would have been smiling even more!! But for 2 days i did walk with a skip in my jump and only when i got queries like are you in love or something i learnt to control myself!
But yes i do enjoy the feeling!! Of course i am looking forward to telling everyone but till then stars in my eyes!!Oh and i will mention it on the blog but after some time(sorry!!)
I am one of those people who manage to get excited about just anything "Oh Wow!! You got placed""Oh You are wearing a new dress" " Oh we are having a suprise test""its raining" name it and i will manage to get thrilled about it.And one of my dearest friends informs us about his gold medal/placements as if he is talking about the weather.well each to his own ways..I believe in celebrating each and evry second of life.
But its sad that just bcoz i am a fun loving person people take a longer time to take me seriously!! Grrrr!! have to work harder and then people come up with these "Oh! I never expected it from you"Please yaar just bcoz i dont wear a constipated look on my face and dont act as if the world is depending on me doesnt mean that i dont have brains/focus.My fav compliment was when my ex-Boss remarked that i am a nice person to have around and i will still be the same if the project is in red or its succesful.Thank You sir!!
I have had so many people come to me and remark of what they actually thought of me(-ve) and how i am different from their expectations(sorry to dissapoint).NOt knowing my mother tungue(that will be another post) my constant chatter in english made a lot of people think that i am a snob and as one friend confessed(thought) that "i would speak to people of only my level" .I choked at this bcoz i wasnt sure what "level" it was!!ANother person read my poems(yes i have used other forms of written torture before this blog) and was stunned by and i quote "nerdiness" of the poem.For this psychotics who are still reading and would like to get tortured a lil more :
So this blog i dedicate to my dear friend "Bhalu" (thats his nick) who is like me full of cheer and happiness but also struggles to make other people take him seriously!
My heart just cried out "This happens with me too !" .Its like "ok , you are not miserable , you dont look like you have lung cancer and brain cancer combined , so you must be a very casual person who wont get up if the house in on fire".People do confuse light heartedness and a casual attitude.anyway , it shudnt matter to you .Be yourself ! you make people smile.
So what is the happy secret??? Which gave a hop to ur steps??
Something we should not know???
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